Advisory board

Dr. Eleonore Blaurock-Busch

has founded the US toxicology Laboratory TRACE MINERALS INTERNATIONAL INC of Boulder, Colorado in 1984 and MICRO TRACE MINERALS of Hersbruck, Germany in 1975. She is Research Director at Micro Trace Minerals Laboratory in Germany, founding member and co-chairman of the International Association of Trace Element Research and Cancer, and organizer of the first East-West World Congress on Trace Element and Cancer, held in Beijing, China in 1996. She is advisor to the German Medical Association of Clinical Metal Toxicologists and a member of the British Society for Ecological Medicine.

She has lectured worldwide at various universities and learning institutions and was a frequent guest speaker at radio and TV shows in the US, Germany and elsewhere. She was and is instrumental in environmental and laboratory research projects in metal toxicology, including epidemiological studies on cancer and autism, and continues to evaluate the toxic burden of people of various countries.

She published several books in German and English, and recently published the Toxic Metals and Antidotes. Handbook of Chelation Therapy. Her books have been translated into French, Portuguese and other languages. Some are utilized as teaching textbooks by colleges and teaching organisations. She is a regular columnist for various medical journals.

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