European Network for
Environmental Medicine

The EnvMed Network is a nonprofit organisation engaged in establishing Environmental Medicine in Europe. Given the increasing amount of harmful chemicals in the environment and the growing scientific evidence of correlations with chronic diseases, we are committed to reduce environmental exposures, promoting research into health links and treatments, better aligning medical care with these findings, and facilitating patient access to analysis.

Dental Amalgam


Adoption by the Council: Dental Amalgam will be banned by January 2025

Brussels, 30 May 2024: With the adoption by the Council, the phase-out of dental amalgam by January 2025 has been finalized. The European Parliament had already given its approval on April 10 with a majority of 98%. After being signed by the Presidents of the European Parliament and the Council, the legal act will soon be published in the Official Journal of the European Union and enter into force…

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Progress in the revision of the EU Mercury Regulation

The revision of the EU Mercury Regulation is well underway: In the Council, the Member States have examined the Commission proposal, in the Parliament the rapporteurs of the ENVI Committee have submitted their proposed amendments and set dates for votes, and the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) has issued a positive opinion…

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Giving evidence to NI Windsor Framework Committee

Stormont risks putting dentists’ wallets over people’s health, say toxics campaigners. Ending Northern Ireland’s use of neurotoxic mercury in tooth fillings will bring significant benefits, without having an adverse impact on everyday life, MLAs have been told…

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Updated: Global Dental Amalgam Tracker

Global Overview of Countries Phasing Out Dental Amalgam: According to the Minamata Conventions Full National Reports 2021, the MIAs, or other official documents, the global transition to a mercury-free dentistry is fully underway…

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European Dental Amalgam Tracker

In line with the European Mercury Regulation (EU 2017/852), member states were required to submit National Action Plans (by 1 July 2019) to reduce the use of dental amalgam and preferably phase it out by 2030. 26 of 27 national plans were published…

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German NEWS

Gemeinsame Pressemitteilung zum Global Framework on Chemicals

Trotz einiger Erfolge blieb der erhoffte Durchbruch auf der Weltchemikalienkonferenz in Bonn aus. Umweltverbände zeigen sich enttäuscht, dass das neue globale Chemikalienabkommen unter dem Titel “Global framework on chemicals – for a planet free of harm from chemicals and waste”, das heute in Bonn verabschiedet wurde, nicht die dringend benötigte Trendwende einleitet…

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EnvMed Germany

work areas

Clinical Environmental Medicine

The health impact of chemicals in the environment is constantly increasing. There is a significant associated rise in neurological, autoimmune and cancer diseases. Male fertility decreases dramatically. However, when patients visit the doctor, hardly any examinations are carried out for possible chemical exposures.


We bring researchers and practitioners in the fields of chemical biology, environmental medicine and medical geology together to showcase the recent developments and address global challenges we face today within the field of chemical toxicology and immunology.

Prevention of Toxic Burdens

Our mission is to advocate and support the adoption and implementation of legally binding instruments which contain mandatory obligations to eliminate where feasible, and otherwise minimize, the global use of hazardous chemicals, the global demand for hazardous chemicals, releases of hazardous chemicals to the environment, and human and wildlife exposure to hazardous chemicals.

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