EU-Kommission gibt der Chemieindustrie nach und verschiebt REACH Revison

Die EU Kommission hat ihr Arbeitsprogramm für das Jahr 2023 vorgestellt. Wichtige geplante legislative Initiativen wurden von der EU Kommission auf unbestimmte Zeit verschoben. Deutsche NGOs, darunter das European Center for Environmental Medicine, forderten die EU-Kommission auf, den Legislativvorschlag für die REACH Revision wie geplant

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European Dental Amalgam Tracker

In line with the European Mercury Regulation (EU 2017/852), member states were required to submit National Action Plans (by 1 July 2019) to reduce the use of dental amalgam and preferably phase it out by 2030. 26 of 27 national plans were published…

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Dental Amalgam

Amalgam fillings consist of more than 50% highly toxic mercury. In dentistry, this material has been highly controversial since its introduction at the beginning of the 19th century and was even temporarily banned in the USA. However, the use of this material has been able

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Let’s collaborate

let’s collaborate We want to expand our network The European Network for Environmental Medicine will collaborate with funding agencies and charities to advance its mission. It may engage in shared funding projects with INGOs, NGOs or others in civil society’s organization and the government agencies

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