Global Workshop to phase out mercury-added products

Geneva, 21 – 23 June 2023. Parties to the Minamata Convention not having implemented any or only a few of the required measures to restrict the use of mercury-added products were invited by the Secretariat to participate in a workshop to develop strategies…

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PARC: Stakeholder Forum Meeting

The first in-person stakeholder forum meeting of the Partnership for the Assessment of the Risks from Chemicals (PARC) was held in Athens on 28 June 2023. The main achievements were presented and the priorities and needs of the stakeholders were discussed…

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EU Mercury Regulation: Publication in July

The Draft Propsal of the Revision of the EU Mercury Regulation has passed the Commissions Interservice consultations. The adoption is finaly scheduled for July after its translation into the languages of the member states. The adoption should then be a mere formality. However, the delay

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Chemiepolitische Mittagstalks 2023

Am 14. Juni geht es bei den Mittagstalks um Chemikalien und Gesundheit mit der Beteiligung des Envmed Networks. Hier erfahren Sie mehr über die Veranstaltungsreihe und wie Sie sich anmelden.  

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Africa wants dental amalgam banned by 2030

Botswana and Burkina Faso have submitted a proposal on behalf of the African Region that the phase out of dental amalgam by 2030 should be considered at the next COP of the Minamata Convention in November. The Africa region proposes to include in Part I,

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Transition period for Amalgam Certifications extended

Since the new Medical Devices Regulation (MDR 2017/745) entered into force on 26 May 2021, the legal safety requirements for dental amalgam capsules have increased significantly. Medical devices with approvals under the old directive would only be allowed until the end of  the transition period

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