On March 5, the European Commission presented an inception impact assessment and a roadmap for the revision of the EU Mercury Regulation, which will be revised not only for amalgam fillings but also for mercury-added products. A Public consultation for a first draft of the impact assessment is planned for the third quarter of 2021 and the adoption of the commission is expected in the fourth quarter 2021.
The Commission justified the long processing time to incorporate decisions from COP4 of the Minamata Convention (which has been postponed until spring 2022) on mercury-added Products.
On the Have Your Say portal, stakeholders were invited to provide feedback on the inception impact assessment and roadmap until April 4.
The European Center for Enviromental Medicine, together with numerous stakeholders, have called on the Commission to submit a legislative proposal with a timely phase-out date by 2025 at the latest.
Here you can find the submitted arguments for the phase-out:
European Environmental Bureau (Belgium)
EurEau – European Federation of Water Services (Belgium)
European Center for Enviromental Medicine (Germany)
World Alliance for Mercury-Free Dentistry — Secretariat (United States)
International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT)
World Alliance for Mercury Free Dentistry (United Kingdom)
WECF, Women Engage for a Common Future (Germany)
Health Care Without Harm (HCWH) Europe
Tandvårdsskadeförbundet (Sweden)
ecologistas en acción (Spain)
EKO-UNIA (Poland)
Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development (Serbia)
ZERO – Association for the Sustainability of the Earth System (Portugal)
IG Umwelt Zahn-Medizin (Germany)
Lars Hylander (Sweden)
Ulf Bengtsson (Sweden)
Sergio Formentelli, Dentist (Italy)
Katrin Marienburg, Zahnärztin (Germany)
Norbert Guggenbichler, Zahnarzt (Germany)
for reducing mercury emissions in general:
The European Chemical Society (EuChems)
Hazardous Waste Europe (France)
Here you can find submitted arguments against a phase-out (dental associations are also representing the financial interests of dentists):
Council of European Dentists (CED)
Bundeszahnärztekammer – Kassenzahnärztliche Bundesvereinigung (Germany)
Deutsche Sozialversicherung Europavertretung (Germany)
Ordre National des Chirurgiens-Dentistes / ONCD (France)
British Dental Association (United Kingdom)
Anonym, Dentist (Spain)
Dr Candria Francesco, Dentist (Italy)
Dr Paolo Nardini odontoiatra, Dentist (Italy)
Dott. Attilio Menduni De Rossi, Dentist (Italy)
Anonym, Dentist (Italy)